Rafa Berezinski
Rafa Berezinski entered the world of photography at the encouragement of his godfather, a reference in journalism in São Paulo. Completing his training at Instituto Senac and Faculdade Paulista de Artes, he began his career in 2006 in the studio of photographer Zarella Neto. In 2015, while improving the English language in Scotland, his work Garimpeiros was exhibited at the Latin America Memorial. Motivated by his first achievement as an artist, he managed to repeat the feat in 2016, exhibiting in Italy. Subsequently, he had the opportunity to work with great fashion and advertising photographers (Iddo Lavie and Yaniv Edry). From there, he went on to a stay in Lisbon where he met Yves Callewaert, a Belgian photographer and film director, and Frenchman Stephane Becháud, who brought him closer to the audiovisual by making his first video clips.
Back in Brazil in 2017, he dedicates himself both to authorial projects, including outstanding portraits of personalities and artists, as well as to work with other talented photographers such as Ricardo Barcellos, Zarella Neto, among others in Brazilian advertising, as first assistant. Executed campaigns for several relevant clients, such as Lupo, Renault and AMA Brasil. Naturally, all the accumulated baggage and knowledge consolidated the decision to take the next step as a photographer.